HIPPO-crisy...yea massive as can be, rather more..

Posted by gAmbiT | Posted in | Posted on 2:36 AM

LIFE....wonder who coined the term to this unbound bondage. one can consider it to be incorrigible in the sense that this has its own way of proliferating tantrums, making the very next moment, a matter of concern. even spaghetti's better, both in taste and kind.

what am i blabbering?? oh yes..LIFE..man its no rubik's cube. here i was, a few moments back vindicating questions raised by a public forum as to " why one should have a gf/bf"..what the heck!! aren't you supposed to be concerned with something much more worthwhile!!!! i mean how would it be to go around looking for logic behind an 'oh so qualified' teacher asking a herd of students the book-docked definition of a lever within the bound parameters of what is better known as class 6C...

Now who labels something as 6C..??? i mean the very next moment you find one of the herd members illustrating 6C as "SEXY" to his fellow ambience.oh! a kid this is, in his very first decade of life. yet anywhere but an educational institution,where every moment a bunch of blockheads,who never themselves have tried looking beyond their polymer frames, are striving to train the herd off adulteration. what bollocks! i say dare you come blaring ur cords, complaining about adolescent preclude or Hypocrisy.

now that dealt with the public forum. the very next moment, there i go,tending help to a friend in distress. thinking whether to or not to answer "does intimacy form an intrinsic and important part of a relationship?" don't baffle because already i am. if not anything either help me with a refreshing drink or spare yourself thinking about any other relationship than love...

correction its 'LOWE'...

i mean if you are so concerned, why bother taking so much pain in that tiny-winy 1mm protractable opening. eh.!! what am i doing..blah...'arse' simple word to be precise. else just go along to enjoy the essence of this memorandum of understanding. believe in the policy of 'live and let live'. that way you get to strive through a better and less complicated life. more importantly my last bit of sanity is spared and i get to spend a better evening.

anyways i sense i missed out on something. o yeah! hypocrisy... well one's life in itself is in a mess with issues yet is out to advice his fellows in misery.

u say "Bloody Democracy" keeping the country and its society's perspective in mind, i say "Bloody Hypocrisy".... and hypocrites, suck on this.!!!!